Bisley celebrates a BioBLITZ on the Allotments, at BCCS and the Community Orchard, Chestergate Allotments. Supported by BisCAN and the National Allotment Society Week theme of “Biodiversity”.
Start at 8.30 with a bird survey led by Megan from the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, then Life in the Soil and Sweeping for invertebrates both fun & accessible for young people workshops between 10 & 11.30. Then the Local Nature Action Plan talk with Rebecca Charley Biodiversity officer at the District Council and an ALLOTMENT LUNCH ‘bring and share’ your own home grown and see the 3rd year of our allotment Moth survey results. Sue Bradley, Bisley’s very own allotment gardening writer then talks on “Wildlife,Weeds and Weather” help for your gardening, at 2pm, followed by Allotments Q&A. Jilly Cobbe takes an observational drawing hour from 3-4(paper and pencils supplied) , then home made tea and cakes and the launch of the Community Orchard Education Board. Caroline Billingsly leads her allotment amphibian research then a bat walk in the evening 7-8.30. What a day!! Drop in for the wildlife you are interested in surveying. GWT experts on hand.For more information see