- Sort green materials into different types, such as soft non-woody plants, lawn clippings, small woody herbaceous plants, and branches no larger than 4” diameter
- Put green materials in the appropriate bay – as labelled
- Put leaves in the leaf bins – clearly labelled and separate
- Remove potted plants out of their pots – we cannot shred plastic of any kind
- Cut plants off rootstocks – we cannot shred rootstocks
- Take your plastic bags home with you
- Do tell your gardener (if you have one) that your membership is only for your garden, no one else that he or she might work for
- Share membership correspondence with everyone in your household so everyone has up to date information
- Ask us if you have any questions. We are always happy to oblige, either by email, telephone or on site every Saturday morning
- Leave branches more than 4” diameter
- Mix up materials
- Bring wood with nails, twine or plastic
- Leave plastic plant pots (these are allowed in your green recycling bag)
- Bring sods of turf, clods of soil, potbound plants, non-green rubbish. Turf will compost down in your own garden
- Leave plastic bags on site
- Bring grass clippings that have been treated with persistent herbicide – see Weedkiller Warning