We are now able to allow members of the public to collect unsieved compost from the site again. This can only be done on a Saturday morning and you must book an appointment with Hazel, (01452 770606 or email membership@bisleycommunitycompostscheme.org.uk). We now ask for a minimum £10 donation for collection of a trailer-load or similar quantity of unsieved compost. You need to bring exact money, we can’t give change, though you can also pay by cheque made payable to ‘BCCS’. (Bisley allotment holders may continue to collect unsieved compost at any time as before, and do not need to make a donation.)
Latest News
- A Collection of Composters meet at BCCS
- Stroud Community Agriculture to visit us
- DANGER: Check your deposits for hazardous tools
- Bisley Bioblitz: This Saturday 10 August ALL DAY!!
- Membership Renewals will be sent out in June
- BCCS Finalist in Stroud News & Journal Community Awards
- May 5-11th: International Compost Awareness Week