Celebrate the super-composers” WORMS who do all our work by joining in https://www.fscbiodiversity.uk/blog/supercomposters
The theme for the 5th annual World Earthworm Day on 21st October 2020 will be “Super Composters” – celebrating the relationship between man, waste and worms! The Earthworm Society of Britain has put together this “virtual meetup” (webinar) 2.30-4pm 21/10/20 with the Field Studies Council for those interested in learning more about vermicomposting and the important role that earthworms can play in helping us deal with our waste.
4 interesting speakers including Anna de la Vega who will talk about worm farming revolutionising global agriculture and organic waste management, helping us move towards regenerative practices that have the capacity to directly tackle climate change and repair degraded soil. Anna offers a global perspective, and how we can make changes at a local level through community led action and within the home.